Using Cultural Competence to Increase Program Effectiveness
A webinar on how to use cultural competence to increase program effectiveness.
Resources are available to support community educational programs for at-risk children, youth, and families and are based on locally identified needs, and soundly grounded in research. The resources also help local projects to integrate programming into ongoing Extension programs for children, youth, and families—ensuring that at-risk, low-income children, youth, and families continue to be part of Extension and 4-H programs and have access to resources and educational opportunities.
A webinar on how to use cultural competence to increase program effectiveness.
A webinar on Native American mental health that examines the role of colonization to legitimize a more accurate and compassionate conceptualization of well-being and balance.
The 2022 CYFAR Annual Report provides an overview of the accomplishments of the Children, Youth, and Families At-Risk community-based programs.
The 2021 CYFAR Annual Report provides an overview of the accomplishments of the Children, Youth, and Families At-Risk community-based programs.
The 2020 CYFAR Annual Report provides an overview of the accomplishments of the Children, Youth, and Families At-Risk community-based programs.
The 2019 CYFAR Annual Report provides an overview of the accomplishments of the Children, Youth, and Families At-Risk community-based programs.
A webinar on navigating school-based research recruitment featuring post-pandemic insights and strategies for effective partnerships.
A webinar on navigating stakeholder friction to support LGBTQIA+ youth and other historically excluded audiences.
A webinar on inclusion as it relates to immigrant and refugee youth in 4-H. The webinar covers social, cultural, and emotional conditions that can affect program participation for immigrant and refugee youth; the impacts of these conditions on immigrant and refugee youth and their families; and promising practices for engaging immigrant and refugee youth.
The following template has been designed to ease your reporting of Common Measures data.
There are two pieces in this reporting package:
A webinar outlining ways to promote and cultivate sustainability within CYFAR programming. The webinar explains CYFAR's role in sustainability, the PSAT, how grantees score, and how to use PSAT results.
The CYFAR Program Quality Instrument (PQI) is a 19-item survey measuring the essential elements of youth program quality. This document includes the survey, reliability and validity information, administration guide, scoring instructions, acknowledgements and list of publications using the PQI.
From happy to sad, anxious to relieved, frustrated to energized - our lives are filled with emotions. Emotions can help us respond to a crisis, motivate us to advocacy and action, or leave us feeling overwhelmed and exhausted. The COVID-19 pandemic has shown us what it means to live in a society under heightened stress and we are seeing the daily impact of this stress on the lives of children, youth, and families. In this webinar, join Dr.
A CYFAR PDF Report which details the CYFAR Common Measures. It assesses CYFAR youth (grades 3-12) in three main domains: resilience, life skills, and program quality. The report provides the data from CYFAR Common Measures in 2022.
A CYFAR document providing a guide to assess outcomes for CYFAR funded programs. This administration guide was created to help CYFAR grantees better prepare to administer survey measures.
A CYFAR document providing a step-by-step guide to creating a program survey and viewing datasets.
A CYFAR webinar providing an overview of generational volunteering.
A CYFAR webinar providing an overview of the CYFAR Common Measures required as part of CYFAR grants. The data collected is used by USDA–NIFA as one of many tools to fight for CYFAR dollars in congress. This webinar will briefly discusses the CYFAR Common Measures, but most time will be spent on best practices for implementation.
As humans, everything we do begins with a thought, and the quality of that thought has a direct impact on the next thing we do. This presentation and discussion will introduce overarching concepts pertaining to performance psychology as applied in high stress situations. Specific self-awareness and self-regulation skills will be shared by the Penn State University Athletic Department's Performance Psychology Services Team.
A webinar presented by the Children, Youth, and Families At-Risk (CYFAR) Professional Development and Technical Assistance (PDTA) Center that provides an overview of how the CYFAR Logic Model Builder works, its components, and use in developing logic models.
A study that explores potential positive returns from the CYFAR Initiative's financial investment. Developed by the Children, Youth, and Families At-Risk (CYFAR) Professional Development and Technical Assistance (PDTA) Center on behalf of NIFA.
Learn about the core components of implementation evaluation and explore questions and designs to carry out these evaluations through case examples. Webinar presented by Dr. Tatiana Bustos.
This report provides academic research on how people respond to cyberbullying and reactions to systemic racism. In addition, the authors' goal is to highlight bystander intervention strategies that are effective at constructing healthy communication, calming anger and frustration, and changing attitudes.
The benefits of high-quality out-of-school-time programs are well known but ways to persuade youth to stay engaged are not. Several studies that shed light on youth engagement are discussed below.
More Time for Teens is a report issued at the midpoint of a three-year study into participation by 432 youth at 10 Boys & Girls Clubs across the country, starting when the youth are in seventh and eighth grades. It was conducted by a firm called Public/Private Ventures.
One of the goals of CYFAR grants is to be sustainable after 5-years of funding. Understanding how to cultivate relationships while building partnerships is a key part of sustainability. Relationships are also important before asking for time, space, volunteers, funding or other resources. The Fundraising Academy's Cause Selling Education will significantly increase fundraising, including gaining other resources, through the idea of building relationships first