The Children, Youth, and Families At-Risk (CYFAR) Professional Development and Technical Assistance (PDTA) Center aims to develop innovative tools and effective evaluation processes that capture data and best practices in the areas of implementation, evaluation, and sustainability across the CYFAR Initiative. The overarching goal of the planned innovation is to increase, sustain, and report the positive impact of the CYFAR Initiative.
The CYFAR PDTA Center’s efforts center on equipping CYFAR Sustainable Community Projects (SCPs) with the skills to build, deliver, evaluate, and sustain programs that reduce risks and empower underserved and marginalized populations. The CYFAR PDTA Center promotes evidenced-informed strategies for project success and raises awareness among CYFAR SCP project leadership and teams of ways to effectively bolster protective factors. In addition, the CYFAR PDTA Center helps CYFAR SCPs to develop culturally responsive programming that communities will be receptive to and in which participants will be fully engaged.