
Working With Communities

Conducting Respectful Evaluation

When entering into a new setting the best way to get results is to start with respect, and engagement in the evaluation can be a good way to do this. Key people who know the community can be good people to ask who should be part of the evaluation. People that live and have a commitment to the community know the ways something can be done better than a research team, and they want to feel empowered and part of the process to develop a meaningful outcome and understand its impact.

Understanding Evidence-Based Programs

What is Evidence-Based Programming?

When a program is evidence-based, it has been through an experimental design, shown to work, and evaluated at a rigorous level. A research-based program means the incorporated content of a program is supported by current research. Model programs are listed on a website called Blueprints shown with the best evidence of effectiveness, but qualifications can vary by website.

The Importance of Evaluation

Evaluation is key to knowing, especially for participants, that differences are being made in terms of program quality and outcomes. Funders want to make sure they are putting their money to good use in a sustainable program. Evidence of change being made also helps the program tell its story and get its message across.

Reporting Evaluation Results

Communicating Evaluation Results to Your Audiences

When reporting results identify the audience and what they need to know in order to make a decision by using bullet points and putting findings within the context of similar findings. Usually a less biased person that is an advocate for the program that the audience will listen to is a better choice than the researcher who conducted the study. Some general rules when conveying results: simple is always better, pictures help clarify, and use multiple perspectives.

Volunteer Development and Engagement: Leveraging Volunteers to Grow and Sustain Your Program

This webinar will explore how to balance volunteer management and development to effectively achieve the mission of your organization. The content will include considerations when tailoring your volunteer delivery system, key concepts to help position your organization to empower and fully utilize volunteers, strategies to engage volunteers and aid in sustaining volunteer commitment, and targeting potential partners as a source for skilled volunteers.

2016 CYFAR Evaluation Report

In 2017, the Children, Youth, and Families At-Risk Initiative (CYFAR) celebrated its 25th Anniversary. CYFAR provides funding for local Sustainable Community Projects (SCPs) that promote positive outcomes among vulnerable populations throughout the United States and Territories. CYFAR also funds the CYFAR Professional Development and Technical Assistance (CYFAR PDTA) Center, which provides professional development, technical assistance, and evaluation support for CYFAR SCPs.