Search Resources

Resources are available to support community educational programs for at-risk children, youth, and families and are based on locally identified needs, and soundly grounded in research. The resources also help local projects to integrate programming into ongoing Extension programs for children, youth, and families—ensuring that at-risk, low-income children, youth, and families continue to be part of Extension and 4-H programs and have access to resources and educational opportunities.



How To Guide

To Understand children, their development, needs, and uniqueness is vital for parents. Each child is different not only in abilities but also in the extraordinary way that he or she sees the world. Understanding children can result in less conflict in relationships with them. Understanding is also an important part of helping children become secure and healthy people. Children are not likely to become caring, loving people if they have not experienced understanding from people who are close to them.

Publication year

DeBord, K., Bower, D., Goddard, W. H., Kirby, J., Kobbe, A. M., Myers-Walls, J. A., Mulroy, M., & Ozretich, R. A.

Research Spotlight: Appreciative Inquiry


When leading an organization or community group in a change process, there are a number of approaches. For example, SWOT analysis identifies strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. Needs assessments identify existing problems so that they can be addressed.

Publication year

Ann Nordby

Hot Topic: Family Support in Times of Tragedy

How To Guide

How should we respond in times of tragedy? It is often difficult to know what to do or see. The Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors (TAPS, see below for contact information) recommendations are listed below followed by several resources on CYFERnet that may be of assistance to those of you working with the children, families, survivors, and communities impacted by tragedy.

Publication year


Toxic Stress and Trauma

Research Brief

A PDF providing information on Adverse Childhood Experiences and the outcome and responses to this trauma. 

Publication year

Marketing Outreach and Recruitment Strategies

Tip Sheet

This tip sheet provides strategies on how to effectively recruit program participants. It gives specific strategies for visual promotion, media venues, online marketing, and community outreach.

Publication year