Search Resources

Resources are available to support community educational programs for at-risk children, youth, and families and are based on locally identified needs, and soundly grounded in research. The resources also help local projects to integrate programming into ongoing Extension programs for children, youth, and families—ensuring that at-risk, low-income children, youth, and families continue to be part of Extension and 4-H programs and have access to resources and educational opportunities.


2017 CYFAR Annual Report

Research Report

The 2017 CYFAR Annual Report provides an overview of the accomplishments of the Children, Youth, and Families At-Risk community-based programs.

Publication year


Engaging Youth in Their Communities: How Adults Can Promote Social Responsibility and Civic Action


Participants learned: (a) Why social responsibility (commitment to others and the greater good) and civic action (e.g., volunteering, community connections) are critical aspects of child and adolescent development; (b) Malleable features of youth-adult relationships and program settings that nurture social responsibility values and civic action; and (c) Concrete activities and practices for leveraging youth-adult relationships to deepen youth’s community connections, voice, and social and civic commitment.

Publication year

Amy Syvertsen, PhD

Volunteer Development and Engagement: Leveraging Volunteers to Grow and Sustain Your Program


This webinar will explore how to balance volunteer management and development to effectively achieve the mission of your organization. The content will include considerations when tailoring your volunteer delivery system, key concepts to help position your organization to empower and fully utilize volunteers, strategies to engage volunteers and aid in sustaining volunteer commitment, and targeting potential partners as a source for skilled volunteers.

Publication year

Shane Potter

Tying Your Program Data to Resiliency


This webinar explores how program data can be effectively communicated to stakeholders. The content includes:

Publication year

Ann Michelle Daniels, PhD

Assessing Health Behaviors to Impact Program Quality, Policies, and Funding


Data is a powerful tool that can be used to guide program improvement, educate stakeholders, inform decision makers, and motivate funders. This webinar will highlight online sources of children’s health data; share resources for promoting good nutrition, physical activity, sleep, and limited screen time; explain tools offered by the CYFAR PDTA Center to assess children’s health behaviors and deliver impactful education and outreach; and demonstrate how to use health statistics to influence local policies and make a case for funding.

Publication year

Laura Palmer and Terri Rudy

2016 CYFAR Annual Report

Research Report

The 2016 CYFAR Annual Report provides an overview of the accomplishments of the Children, Youth, and Families At-Risk community-based programs.

Publication year


2016 CYFAR Evaluation Report

Research Report

In 2017, the Children, Youth, and Families At-Risk Initiative (CYFAR) celebrated its 25th Anniversary. CYFAR provides funding for local Sustainable Community Projects (SCPs) that promote positive outcomes among vulnerable populations throughout the United States and Territories. CYFAR also funds the CYFAR Professional Development and Technical Assistance (CYFAR PDTA) Center, which provides professional development, technical assistance, and evaluation support for CYFAR SCPs.

Publication year


Engaging Communities: It’s all about relationships!


Engaging Communities: It’s all about relationships! examines how the CYFAR Core Competencies "Engaging with the Community" skills influence and inform our work with CYFAR audiences and vulnerable populations. Join us as we discuss the ways in which engaging in Peter Block’s 5 essential conversations with communities enhances belonging, ownership, and commitment.

Publication year

Susan Scherffius Jakes, PhD, & Autumn Guin, MS

Personal Readiness: It’s an Inside Job!


Personal Readiness: It’s an Inside Job! examines how the CYFAR Core Competencies Personal Readiness skills influence and inform our work with CYFAR audiences. The presenters will draw on their extensive experiences delivering CYFAR programs to highlight how improving these skills can help us become more effective educators and community-based program leaders.

Publication year

June P. Mead, PhD, Karen DeBord, PhD, & Wally Goddard, PhD

Supporting Youth Who Identify as Members of LGBTQ+ Communities


This presentation will provide frontline staff and PI’s with the language & knowledge necessary to ensure positive & supportive environments that provide physical, mental, & emotional safety for youths who identify as members of LGBTQ+ communities. Session Objectives: 1. Discuss historical roots & positive & negative uses of language as it relates to LGBTQ+ communities. 2. Review current findings from research with individuals in LGBTQ+ communities. 3. Present the differences between sex, gender identity, gender expression, & sexual orientation. 4.

Publication year

Michelle Krehbiel, PhD, Mark Mains, PhD, Kimberly Allen, PhD, & Katherine Soule, PhD

La Cultura Cura: Working Within the Cultural Space of Latino Youth


Working with Latino youth is a growing opportunity across our nation. Latino populations can come from 33 different nations bringing to their communities a multitude of languages, traditions, and perspectives. But what does this mean for our youth development practice? Ms. Marcia Rincon-Gallardo and Albino Garcia will share the work that they do with Latino youth, highlighting the reclamation of authentic identity through spiritual healing, cultural, and gender approaches that engage and contribute to positive outcomes for youth.

Publication year

Marcia Rincon-Gallardo and Albino Garcia

Successful Strategies in Engaging Vulnerable Youth and Families: Field Lessons


Dr. Deanna Wilkinson and Mr. Robert Franklin II shared their practitioner experiences of success and challenge working with diverse and underserved populations. Capitalizing on nearly four decades of academic research and practical implementation, both Dr. Wilkinson and Mr. Franklin delivered specific examples of their work, in different communities, developing and expanding resources dedicated to the advancement of peoples for whom access is a challenge.

Publication year

Dr. Deanna Wilkinson and Mr. Robert Franklin II

Sustainability More Than a Bake Sale


This webinar focuses on a logic model for sustainability adapted from work by Mary Ann Scheirer and James W. Dearing (2011). This model highlights the influences that inputs, general factors, the economic environment, and outcomes have on sustainability. In addition to fundraising, the webinar touches on communication strategies, partnerships, and monitoring practices that are at the heart of sustainability planning.

Publication year

Jane Todey, EdS

Nutrition Education and Promotion: The Role of CYFAR in Helping Families Make Healthier Eating and Lifestyle Choices


This webinar explores the relationship between poverty and obesity. The presenter discusses strategies to promote healthy habits in CYFAR youth and families as well as explores the resources available to CYFAR programs that can assist youth and families achieve a healthy lifestyle

Publication year

Laura Palmer, MS, RD, CYFAR Coach and Extension Specialist from Purdue University

2015 CYFAR Annual Report

Research Report

The 2015 CYFAR Annual Report provides an overview of the accomplishments of the Children, Youth, and Families At Risk community-based programs. The CYFAR projects bring to communities’ at-risk audiences land-grant resources to meet basic needs, build skills and competencies, and create sustainable opportunities.

Publication year


2014 CYFAR Annual Report

Research Report

The 2014 CYFAR Annual Report provides an overview of the accomplishments of the Children, Youth, and Families At Risk community-based programs. The CYFAR projects bring to communities’ at-risk audiences land-grant resources to meet basic needs, build skills and competencies, and create sustainable opportunities.

Publication year


Childhood Obesity - What is it all about?


A webinar that attempts to answer questions about childhood obesity, including how it is measured and whether or not it can be prevented.

Publication year

Dr. Janet Kurzynske, Extension Specialist and Professor in the Department of Dietetics and Nutrition at the University of Kentucky

Navigating the Path for a Successful CYFAR Site Visit


To make each CYFAR Site Visit count, grantees need to understand how to prepare and plan for each visit from their CYFAR Coach. This webinar will have taught you how to understand the purpose of the Site Visit, who should participate, and what the outcomes for each visit should include.

Publication year

Laura Palmer, Maria De Guzman

LGBT Youth


The LGBT Youth webinar focuses on how to work with staff to create inclusive spaces and ensure inclusive attitudes and practices. In addition, the webinar discusses how to incorporate sexual orientation and gender identity attitudes in evaluation and measurements.

Publication year

Jenifer K. McGuire, PhD, MPH

Group Mentoring


Group Mentoring webinar focuses on how group mentoring helps make sure all young people experience positive youth development.

Publication year

Dr. Kenneth Jones

CYFAR Evaluation


In this 50-minute webinar, Burgess Smith discusses essential details of CYFAR program evaluations. Topics include

  • Using Survey Builder
  • Understanding Common Measures
  • Managing your CYFAR data online
  • End-of-Year Reports
  • Annual Reports
  • REEport
Publication year

Burgess Smith

Qualitative Methods


The goal of qualitative methods is to make meaning out of experiences and make use of that information. The types of qualitative methods should be decided by looking at unit of analysis, is it the individual: collective discourse, or a concept? Methods like an interview, focus group, or ethnography can make meaning from different levels of perspective.

Publication year

Mary Marczak, PhD