Components of a Logic Model

Logic models organize efforts into main categories such as inputs, outputs, activities, and outcomes.

  • Inputs (resources)
    • People, capital, supplies, apparatuses, research, and technology
    • The materials an organization utilizes to meet its goals
  • Activities (tasks or events)
    • What an organization does to achieve outcomes (meetings, trainings, and events)
  • Outcomes
    • Collected to help articulate the impact of the grant on the community and participants
  • Outputs (products)
    • Quantifiable units of service and products generated by program activities
  • Short-Term Outcomes (immediate effects)
    • Examples include
      • Raised awareness
      • Change in knowledge, attitudes, skills, and behaviors
  • Long-Term Outcomes (long-term effects)
    • Examples include
      • Change in community conditions, financial conditions, or civic conditions (i.e., policy change)

Activities vs. Outputs

Activities are the work of an organization whereas outputs are the units of service that result from activities.

  • Activities
    • The work an organization conducts to accomplish its goals
    • May include meetings, trainings, outreach, and other program services
  • Outputs
    • The impact of a program’s work
    • May be intended or unintended
    • Can be measured by the number of people taught or trained, the number of events held, etc.

Outputs vs. Outcomes

Outputs are the units of service that result from activities whereas outcomes are the constructive impacts on people or environments.

  • Outputs
    • Do not gauge impact but measure what a program does
    • Can answer the following question: How many/how much?
  • Outcomes
    • Measure what impact, benefits, or changes result from outputs
    • Can be measured in changes in knowledge (e.g., pre- and postprogram surveys), attitude, skill, and behavior (e.g., reduction in risk behaviors)
    • Can answer the following question: What difference did it make?


Outcomes are the backbone of any logic model. They focus on the constructive impacts on people or environments and are often differentiated in terms of short-term and long-term outcomes.

Quick Facts About Logic Model Outcomes
  • Outcomes are the results of the activities and outputs of an organization or program
  • Outcomes often describe an effect on an individual’s knowledge or attitude or an effect on social or environmental conditions
  • Most programs evaluate outcomes by tracking their short- and long-term goals
    • Short-Term Outcomes
      • Include changes in skills, knowledge, attitude, or behaviors
      • Are outcomes that directly impact and affect the targeted audience or individuals
      • Act as catalysts for long-term outcomes
    • Long-Term Outcomes
      • Include changes in conditions such as civic conditions, financial conditions, economic conditions, or social conditions
      • Are outcomes produced due to short-term outcomes
      • Can be affected by a variety of external factors

Why Track Outcomes?

  • Funders often require that programs demonstrate specific outcomes
  • To leverage funding to sustain future program efforts
  • To identify what the program does well and what needs improvement
  • To better meet the needs of those served by programming
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